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Visual Data Collection
Visual data collection project for automated driving

Information for drivers

Plug in and help to shape the mobility of the future

Are you in a fleet vehicle that is part of the visual data collection project? Find some relevant information below.

If you are in a fleet vehicle equipped with our system, you will notice an outward-facing camera on your windshield with a cable that terminates in a plug that can be plugged into your vehicle's 12 V on-board power socket ("cigarette lighter").

Illustration of camera system on the windshield.
The camera system is mounted on the windshield of the vehicle.

How to activate the system

The system is not activated by default. If you want to support the project and agree to the processing of your personal data, you can activate the system by plugging the power supply unit into the vehicle's 12 V onboard power socket. After plugging in the power supply, the recording of data including your personal data will start.

How to deactivate the system

If the plug is not connected to the 12 V onboard power connection, no data is collected by the system. The system can be deactivated at any time by removing the plug from the 12 V onboard power socket. From this point on, no data will be recorded until the camera is plugged in again.

Please deactivate the system when leaving the vehicle or if the situation requires it, for example in the following cases:

  • Abroad
  • In security areas
  • On factory site

Further information

You can obtain the fleet-specific data protection information directly from the respective fleet operator. Among other things, these provide information about what the camera system records and for what purpose, and under what legal and statutory conditions this is done.

Due to the legal and data protection framework, Visual data collection is only intended for use in professional fleets. It is not possible to participate as a private person.